  • Iryna Kupchenko

    Co-founder, Marketing Chief Muse

    Superpower: making creativity effective and never boring. My curiosity and 12 years of experience in marketing help me create solutions that stand out. The last 6 years in the startup world have allowed me to combine unique creative skills with a growth hacking approach to strategy creation. Creativity synergizes with the effective use of digital channels. I believe that all creative ideas are born from human behavior and are scaled through the precise combination of modern customer engagement tools.

    I study cultural code in the context of marketing and communications and dream of writing a book about it one day. I adore Formula 1 for its incredible culture of leadership, constant spirit of competition, and immense hard work.

    I am inspired by entrepreneurs — they are my constant source of inspiration, my rock stars! I believe that entrepreneurs change the world, and I am proud to be part of all our projects: past, present, and future.

  • Yuliia Konstantynovska

    Co-founder, Head of Communications & People relations

    Marketing, Master’s degree, 8 years of experience HR, internal & external communications, 13 years of experience.

    I believe life is meant to be enjoyed.

    To clarify: not through mindless waste of time, money, or effort, but through the joy of a healthy body, a sharp intellect, meaningful relationships, high-quality communications, and the projects I participate in.

    Discipline is the foundation of a quality life.

    And hedonism is the heart of all my projects.

    Deep diving helps me become a part of your team – even if just for a while. But the results are always outstanding.

    Let your idea/product make this world even better than it already is – together!